Monday, May 7, 2018

Arty Weekend

Somehow I convinced Nick to go with me to the 15th anniversary celebration of the Christchurch Art Gallery. Alex and his red pea coat were also in attendance.

The place was packed with arty types.

Nick looked handsome though mildly uncomfortable in the crowd.

A stage had been set up for live music and a nearby table held two Technic turntables. I wandered over to stare at them covetously.

This was Alex's first visit to an art museum and I wanted him to see the Rita Angus paintings. We went up the steps and into the gallery but not before a docent told me to make sure he didn't touch anything.

Like I would let that happen.

We stood in front of Cass and to my great happiness he said, "You have that."

I've been reading through several books on the life and works of Rita Angus so he's seen a lot of her paintings.

"This is the original," I said.

When we left I told the docent he hadn't touched a thing.

"That's a good boy!" she said.

Alex and I hopped down the grand staircase and passed the owner of the shop in Lyttelton that carries two of my paintings.

"Hey sweetheart," she said.

"I thought that was you," I said.

We're cool on the stairs.

We made our way into the gallery where artist Tony de Lautour's recent works were on display.

I was so happy at Alex's wonder in the museum that I didn't sneer as much as I would have had I been with other adults.

Instead, Nick scoffed and rolled his eyes and said it looked like something produced by a bunch of sixth-form kids. After deciding this take down had been unfair to sixth formers, he lowered the grade to third form.

All the whispered faux awe of the artsy types trying to impress each other by seeing who could fawn over the works the most missed my ears.

I followed Alex's little red coat around the room. One of the paintings had colors that reminded us of the gummy worm lollies he likes.

Nick could hardly contain his resentment at the assault on his senses. He launched into what amounted to a pretty fair and competent critique. Not bad for a west coast boy who claims to nothing about art.

It was nice to get out and I got this cool picture of me and Alex sitting on the marama.

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