Friday, June 5, 2015


On Tuesday, the NPR and I received our resident visas.

While I was thrilled, the teenosaur did her best to appear indifferent.

For my part, I am pleased to belong to a small country that is often at the forefront of progressive movements.

I recently heard on the radio that the Ministry of Education plans to introduce the topics of consent and coercion in sex education. These are vital subjects and I hope other educators around the world follow our example.

I have a part time job that I enjoy very much and the baby is a part timer at a local preschool. He is learning social skills as well as strengthening his immune system against several strains of cold virus.

I have joined a savings program that will make me eligible in three years to buy land for a home with a matching government grant. I can't wait to be a home owner!

Currently I'm trying to save up so Nick and I can take a short trip to visit Stewart Island.

Eventually, I'm going to amass the small fortune needed to fly everyone to Alabama and Nick will be able to meet the family while simultaneously being adored by every Southern woman who hears his accent.

I had intended this post to be filled with meaningful reflections on my time in New Zealand but I've decided to go "full mom" and post of picture of Alex instead.

He should be walking any day now.

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