Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Fighting Terror With Terror

I guess Europe and the US will never learn when it comes to the causes of terrorism.

Instead of pontificating about how it's all Islam's fault, or claiming that "they" just hate our freedom or digging your heels in when it comes to helping refugees, here are some tips that might just work:

Stop arming other countries and propping up their militaries

Stop acting like you have no responsibility for the thousands of refugees fleeing the countries that you armed and fortified.

Get some enlightenment about what Islam is and learn about the Koran. One of the first things you might notice is that, like Christianity, Islam is interpreted and practiced in many ways.

Stop persecuting people who want to express their faith by wearing a certain item of dress

Stop fobbing off large communities of ethnic groups into impoverished ghettos and thinking you can get away with forgetting about them

Start looking at the causes of poverty and discontent instead of using the ignorant reasoning that people are just "lazy" or "evil."

Stop using terror attacks in Europe and elsewhere to bomb the shit out of Syria. The recent attack was orchestrated by someone who was born and grew up in Belgium. The seeds of discontent were sown there.

Don't complain when your borders are crossed by even more terrified refugees from Syria who are now having to flee conflict coming from inside and outside their own country.

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