Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Birthday Cake

I made a cake for Nick's birthday and it was pretty tasty. 

I used Betty Crocker cake mixes this time but in the future I'll try to make one from scratch.

As I poured the melted butter into the mix I kept hearing Kristen Wiig's voice when she does her impression of Paula Deen; "buttuh and aawl!" (butter and oil are apparently Deen's go-to ingredients)

I baked a vanilla and strawberry cake and used the packet icing to stick the two of them together.

Nick's mom (my kitchen mentor) made up the icing for the top of the cake and I decorated with the words and the pointy bits.

I added the silver sugar pearls to give it a hint of sparkle.

I also tried to make Mint Juleps but they didn't taste right and I don't want to talk about it.