Sunday, January 19, 2014

Being Xena For A Day

I met my boyfriend Nick two months ago. We had been talking online for some time and decided to meet for dinner at a nice little spot up the street from my house. 

I arrived first and was attempting to pose myself in an intriguing way when Nick came stomping up the three stairs to our table and startled me with the words, "How ya' goin'?"

Throughout the meal he wouldn't look at me and he never once tried to initiate physical contact. 

In other circumstances this might be a depressing turn of events but with your typical Kiwi male, it probably means the bloke's burning up with fiery passion.

We survived our first date and Nick invited me to attend his company Christmas party in Wellington. 

It was a costume party.

New Zealanders love to dress up in costumes. Any excuse will do. 

My search for the perfect costume led me to a place called the Malthouse. 

I was immediately drawn to their hand made Xena Warrior Princess costume. 

Nick helped me zip up in the leather apron that made up the costume's foundation and I was instantly hooked. 

"I never want to take it off," I whispered.

Someone had lovingly crafted metal-looking boob covers and shoulder adornments as well as leather wrist and arm bands. A wig and round metal weapon rounded out the effect. 

The costume was a success in Wellington although two people asked me if my American accent was real, which was strange.

There is something about prancing around in a leather singlet that is very empowering.

Returning the costume was emotionally difficult, but in the end, I knew that other women would get to have the leather scented pleasure of being a warrior princess for a day, and that satisfied.

Xena heroically adjusts the thermostat for maximum hotel room comfort

After a day of fighting crime, Xena relaxes with a cool Steinlager.

Fighting ne'er do wells makes one thirsty.

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