Sunday, August 20, 2017

An Email To Jacinda

When I first moved to New Zealand I spent my free time working as a DJ.

One evening I saw a talk show featuring a young woman named Jacinda Ardern who was a politician and a DJ.

She was on her way to play at a music festival and I thought I would write her a short note of support.

I wrote to say I was also a DJ who had come to the country to pursue a PhD.

She wrote back with a kind and encouraging reply and I have liked her ever since.

I was always interested in learning more about politics in this country but had a slower progression in making up my mind on which party I wanted to affiliate with.

Unlike the U.S. where there is a stark difference between Democrats and Republicans, the National and Labour parties here are not as polarized.

You never hear either side discussing abortion or whether or not Jesus should be put back into the public schools.

But there was one clear winner for me and it was the Labour party.

Their policies are socialist and they have some of the most inspiring women serving as MPs.

I am thinking of the amazing Poto Williams who was once a single mother and who serves as Labour's spokesperson on the issues of sexual assault and family violence. I had a chance to speak with her at a Young Labour meeting in Christchurch and again when she came to speak at the uni during Wahine week.

I am thinking of former deputy leader Annette King who had empathy for the plight of my friend with the wrongful conviction and who shared a story of a similar act that happened within her own family.

And I am thinking of the amazing Jacinda Ardern who recently became the leader of the party and will become our next Prime Minister if Labour forms the majority government in Parliament.

I am also thinking of my local Labour candidate Tony Condon who has let me help out with his campaign and invited me to go to speaking events with him and see how politics works behind the scenes. He is a wise man of excellent character.

After the embarrassing shit show that is the Trump presidency, it's incredibly soothing to see so many wonderful people standing up to lead this country in a progressive direction.

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