Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Frisky Reminds Me Of A Past Shame

Today I watched an indie film set in San Francisco called "Frisky." 

It was a delightful film that gently mocked a bunch of California stock characters (artsy faux spiritualists, tech bros, couch surfers, etc.) but the thing that struck me was that the film was made by a company called "Cliff House Productions." 

From the get-go all I could think about was the last time I visited The Cliff House and Sutro Bath ruins- I performed an unscripted, spectacularly embarassing feat of acrobatics.

I went back to my old blog "The Eventual Mexican" and recovered this little chestnut from the event:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Last Monday, A and I went down to the old Sutro Baths in San Francisco.

What was once a fantastic bathing center housed under glass by the seashore now lies in ruins.

The concrete pools still remain only now they are filled with algae and seagull poop water.

I was trying to show A the ruins when I came upon a sort of concrete ramp. B asked me if I wanted a hand in getting down to the concrete wall that ran between the main pool and the edge of the beach but I only stuck my nose in the air and shooed him away.

On my first step I realized that the concrete was what we in Alabama would call "slick as owl shit." 

I went skiing down on one foot with the other stuck out straight in front of me upon hitting the concrete barrier I was catapulted forward. I struggled to regain my balance with precipitating speed. 

For one sweet moment, I thought I was going to pull it off then I realized that my head had become parallel with my knee caps.

I skidded to a stop with my hands out in front of me and with my legs bent at the knee with my feet in the air. 

My first thought was: Omg, who just saw that?

I turned around and the nice young man was rushing to my aid. He tried to pull me to my feet but I lost balance again and rolled off the concrete wall onto the concrete surface beside it.

I looked to my daughter for support but she was too busy pointing and being doubled up with laughter to notice. 

It's still true that pride goeth before a fall. 

So yeah, I'm still haunted by an event that happened almost a decade ago. But on the bright side, at least I don't use the term "Omg" anymore.

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