Thursday, February 16, 2017


Last night a fantail followed Nick into the house and soon realized its predicament. 

It perched in the window above the door, puffed its feathers out and made some low, fretful sounds.

I crawled up on a chair and tried to catch it in my hands but it sailed away and perched on a light fixture.

I tried opening the front door but it flitted into my office. 

I got the mop and it perched awkwardly on the handle momentarily making me look like an odd character from Harry Potter who didn't get the memo about messenger owls.

It flew off the mop handle and up to the top of my book shelf where I was finally able to catch it.

I took it outside and opened my hands. It flew to a nearby perch on the roof.

Aside from some ruffled feathers, the little guy appeared none the worse for its misadventure.

This morning it was out on the porch chirping happily and hunting bugs as usual. 

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