Saturday, December 5, 2015

Tyson Fury: Portrait of a Fragile Ego

This young buck with the jutting underbite is Tyson Fury.

I first saw him a few nights ago when he was signing a tone deaf rendition of an Aerosmith song to his wife after winning some sort of boxing match.

Today I read recent comments he made about women.

Here's one of those gems:

"I believe a woman's best place is in the kitchen and on her back, that's my personal belief. Making me a good cup of tea, that's what I believe."

People pay to watch Tyson punch and get punched, not offer up his retrograde views on women.

Maybe it was one punch too many that made him this thick.

He's already found a woman to put with him and his backward ideas so why does he feel the need to tell the rest of us how to live?

When I come across men like Fury my first feeling for them is pity.

It must be hard to have such a fragile sense of self. It must be rough to have your entire identity tied up in an idea of manhood that is threatened by a woman "getting out of her place" and doing well.

British heptathlon and Olympic champion Jessica Ennis-Hill obviously makes him squirm.

To counter this he offers his unsolicited views on her appearance.

"I think she's good, she's won quite a few medals for Britain, she slaps up good as well, when she's got a dress on she looks quite fit."

He could have stopped at "medals for Britain" but he swings into full fuckwit mode instead.

Ennis-Hill's performance has nothing to do with her looks just as Fury's boxing skills are not impeded by him looking like something that fell off the neanderthal region of the evolutionary chart.

Further responses from Fury about his previous comments:

"I'm a little bit backward. I didn't really go to school. Which part of a woman looks good in a dress is sexist?"

"Or was it about the cooking and cleaning? I stand up for my beliefs. My wife's there (standing alongside Fury). Her job is cooking and cleaning and looking after these kids. That's it."

"She does get to make some decisions. What she's going to cook me for tea in a bit when I get home. That's the decisions what she gets to make. That's my beliefs, just like I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my lord and saviour and if anyone wants to despute that let them do it."

"My belief is that my wife should be at home looking after my kids and cooking and cleaning. She's a very privileged woman to have a husband like me. Not everyone's in her position but the ones who are are very lucky. That's my opinion." 

So, if you are a woman your job is to put out, have kids, make dinner, clean the house and wait for a man to give you orders.

You are not allowed to have your own thoughts and goals. You are the property and possession of your man.

This sort of thinking drives domestic violence and is harmful coming from a person who has young fans who will want to emulate him.

Fury seems to be doubling down on his sexism and acting genuinely surprised that anyone who sees a women as actual persons would be offended by what he said.

And of course his wife stands by him. He has all the power in their relationship and she's accepted she has to adhere to his particular ideas of femininity if she wants to keep her life together. I wouldn't want that sort of life for anyone I care about.

It doesn't take a college degree to treat women like human beings in Fury's case however, it will take an epic battle against ignorance.

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