Sunday, June 29, 2014

Naptus Interruptus

The house was clean, my belly was full of brunch and the feather down duvet was inviting so I laid down to take a nap.

It was an awesome nap. It really was.

And then I was rudely awakened by a particularly shrill version of Greensleeves.

In the groggy haze of my nap brain I became convinced that a Renaissance Fair had established itself on the lawn.

I soon realized it was the local ice cream van taking an excruciatingly long time to negotiate his way out of the cul-de-sac in front of our house.

I suppose there is no greater support of the local meteorologist's claims that we are having a mild winter than the fact that an ice cream vendor was out in full force with his rangley jangley version of the romanesca classic.

I tried to settle back down to my nap but I'll be damned if the ice cream van didn't keep coming back down the street as if he was stuck in a mobius strip.

And so a perfectly good nap was brought to an irritating conclusion.

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