My pet love bird Archimedes is what's known as an Agapornis roseicollis. His color pattern is a mutation known as "Dutch Blue."
This is what the internet taught me recently.
For a moment I am going to mention the unfortunate combination of two very dignified words "Agape," (Greek for "love") and "Ornis," (Greek for "bird.")
On their own they are both lovely. Together they form a name with the word "porn" in it.
Anyhoo, Archimedes is an active little soul and has recently extended his flying zone to include our living room.
His favorite pastime is to sit on the windowsill and call out the wild birds that fly through the neighborhood.
He has become quite the spectacle among the European Starlings, Blackbirds, Fantails and Silvereyes.
But perhaps no other species is quite as in awe of him as the common House Sparrow or Passer domesticus.
Their minds seem to be blown that this bright little bird is even more domesticus than they are as he is actually in the house.
They come in small groups of threes and fours and perch on the bushes and roof just outside the windows to gaze at him.
One actually flew up to the window to get a closer view:
Look you guys, he's actually in there! |
For his part, Archimedes seems to love the attention and will even call to these birds from inside his cage as soon as he hears them in the mornings.
I'm glad they keep him occupied but it also makes me think that he may be in need of a companion who he can interact with on his side of the glass.
Sadly, it appears I am not to ever be this companion. I am accepted as the "bringer of food" but seem to be no closer to getting him to perch on me.
However, he does like it when I pull up You Tube videos of love birds singing and this is about as close as we get to each other.