Monday, March 17, 2014

Archimedes Has His Say

I have noticed that whenever I'm having a conversation with someone at home or on Skype, Archimedes will always pipe up to put in his 10 cents worth.

I guess in Love Bird society he who squawks the loudest has the last say.

Nick, the NPR and I often watch a little television in the evenings and eat our dinner in the living room. Archimedes will start one of his loud speeches (usually during some important news report or bit of dialogue) before hopping onto his feed dish and nibbling meekly on his seeds. I guess it's his way of "having dinner with the family."

Not all his communications are loud though, I recently added a small basket tipped on its side to his cage and he converted it into a nest almost immediately.

First he sidled up to it and made a few pics at with his beak-all the while chirping happily to himself- then he moved in and made some internal modifications.

He's very house proud.

If you call his name he will stick his head out of his nest and give you a searching look. He also perches on what I suppose one could call his "front stoop" and takes little parrot naps.

I still haven't convinced him to perch on my finger but he will let me get close to him without flying away or scolding me.

Sometimes when I am typing on my laptop he will perch on it and pick at the rubber bits that protects the top half from the bottom when its closed.

He likes it when I play Youtube videos of other Love Birds singing and he loves to fly around in my room.

I have discovered that he likes lavender. When I put it in a vase in my room he will land on the vase and set about ripping the flowers and stems into small pieces.

It's kind of like having your own potpourri maker as there's a distinctive whiff of lavender when he goes swooping past me.

He seems to be adjusting well to life with us strange, peach giants.

Archimedes contemplates the song of a fellow Love Bird on Youtube.

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