Friday, November 22, 2013

Posey Up The Nosey

Last night the NPR was borrowed to babysit while my friend A worked late.

The plan was for me to follow her home so I could pick the NPR up.

When she arrived I caught the glimmer of a fancy earring worn by her friend R who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Were you guys out having a good time without me?" I said, narrowing my eyes.

"No, we weren't. I promise," A said. "It was totally work except we did gossip a little."

I followed A to her house wondering what it was about the fancy sparkle earrings that made me feel like the only kid in grade school who didn't get a birthday invite.

When we stopped at A's house R got out of the car and assured me that good times were not being had without me.

I wanted to believe this but her earrings were so sparkly.

Definite party earrings.

I found a subdued NPR on A's sofa. Apparently the kids had just gone to bed and she was pooped.

On the way out A decided she would send me home with a collection of flowers fresh picked from her yard. ( Probably out of guilt for having a good time without me.)

Anyway, she was adamant that the dianthus had a wonderful smell and I was keen to have a sniff.

Unfortunately, she foisted a bunch of them up at my face and the exact moment that I decided to lean down to get a sniff and the result was the partial insertion of a bloom up my left nostril.

After snuffling a few times to clear out any pollen granules, I thanked her for the flowers and drove home with my wild bouquet.

I still think those earrings were highly suspicious. 

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