If you've never heard of them, the Duggars are an American family who have carefully brainwashed their 19 children into follow their particular flavor of Christianity.
They are also notable for their strong hatred of homosexuality and transgendered persons, going so far as to suggest they are all child molesters.
Recently, In Touch Weekly broke a story that suggested the Duggar's oldest son Josh had allegedly molested five minors.
From the report:
"Josh Duggar was investigated for multiple sex offenses, including forcible fondling, against five minors. Some of the alleged offenses investigated were felonies."
"According to the police report, in March 2002, Jim Bob was told by a female minor that his son, then 14, had been 'touching her breasts and genitals while she slept' on numerous occasions."
"Josh allegedly admitted to this according to the report, and Jim Bob says he was 'disciplined.'"
"He was accused again however in March 2003 of allegedly touching the breasts and genitals of 'several woman,' both while they were sleeping and even when they were awake."
"Also 'some time during this time frame, [redacted] had been standing in the laundry room and [redacted, Josh] had put [redacted] hand under [redacted, victim's] dress.'"
"The police report says the alleged victims 'live with their parents Jim Bob and Michelle.'"
"At that point Jim Bob reportedly informed the elders at his church of the situation, but no one notified law enforcement."
"Shortly after this is when Harpo, [Oprah] Winfrey's production company, received the email about the allegations and faxed it to Department of Human Services."
After seeing the email, police asked Jim Bob to bring his son in for an interview but he 'refused to produce his son for questioning.'
Jim Bob also tried to hire a lawyer for his son but 'at least two lawyers refused to take his case.'
Police questioned the fifth victim after the other four, who said she was sleeping over the Duggar's house on the couch when her breasts were touched.
Authorities could not pursue charges at this point however as the three-year statute of limitations had expired."
The Duggars follow the strict bible-based teachings of the Advanced Training Institute which is run by Bill Gothard, a man accused of harassing and assaulting up to 34 women.
It is disturbing to read the literature that Gothard publishes in relation to child molestation. In a text entitled "Lessons From Moral Failures In A Family" an example is given of a boy who was molesting his younger sisters.
The boy is asked to think about "what teaching could have been given to each child to resist evil," pray about what he had done and write out his thoughts.
This gives him a prime opportunity to blame his sisters in some way.
The boy comes to the conclusion that his sisters' immodesty coupled with the fact that he was forced to change their diapers led to the behavior.
The example shows a blatant disregard for personal responsibility.
It also laments what will happen to the young man's reputation.
Since the victims are only girls, very little thought is given to their well being.
Like many Christian sects, this ones reinforces the idea that all males are weak willed potential perverts who go to pieces in the presence of any female form which is not heavily shrouded.
The responsibility to protect men from temptation falls to women and girls.
The logical conclusion of these teachings is that sexual assault victims should always be questioning what they did to bringing the assault upon themselves.
What I want to know is how the hell someone is supposed to respect the patriarchy when its leaders can't even control their urges to sexual gratify themselves every second.
If you are truly that weak then maybe you should be locked up and women should take the reigns for a while.
Bearing in mind that this is the sort of teaching the Duggars subscribe to, their response to Josh's actions should surprise no one.
Jim Bob first "disciplined" his son himself. When the abuse continued he sought the wisdom of the men in his church.
In the end, he sent his son off for three months to build a house for one of his friends and referred to this as his "getting help."
The police were not consulted until the statute of limitations had run out and no criminal charges were filed.
Josh got away with some light indentured servitude and his parents were able to hush up the scandal and keep making money off their "brand" through their TLC television program and various book deals.
And if you think Josh is really cured and sorry for what he did, then just read part of his statement in response to the allegations:
“I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life."
His life might be ruined.
His parents earning potential might have been destroyed.
The teachings of Bill Gather might have been shamed.
And through this all the family has invoked the name of God.
The irritating thing about God is that he never gives direct quotes to the news media about things like this.
Instead, we are left to have his views interpreted for us by those who profess to worship him.
This conveniently allows Josh to say his private correspondence with the Heavenly Father has made things all better.
Jim Bob and Michelle are then able to turn their son's bad touch tendencies into a positive experience that brought them closer to the Almighty.
Some of you might be wondering about his sisters who he molested on numerous occasions.
Don't worry, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have spoken on their behalf saying they forgave their brother.
Of course they did.
What choice did they have?
They have been home schooled and sequestered from anyone who might teach them dissent.
From Yahoo:
Jennifer Marsh, vice president of victim services at the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), tells Yahoo Health that while some juvenile sex offenders continue their patterns of abuse throughout their lives and others do not, the long-term effects on children who have been molested by their siblings has “a lot to do with the factors and terms of whether [the abuse] was disclosed, how the person [to whom the abuse was disclosed] reacted, and whether the victim feels they received support from their loved ones and family” in response to the disclosure of their abuse.
Furthermore, she adds, if victims who have been abused by a family member feel that their family is siding with the perpetrator — and in turn feel not loved, not supported, and not as important to their family as their abuser is — they are at even greater risk for negative health behaviors.
When I was little I was molested by a male babysitter on two occasions.
He lived up the street from my family and my parents were friends with his.
I can still remember him standing over me while I lay in bed and looking into my eyes as he touched my genitalia repeatedly.
I told my mother what had happened and she listened without saying much. I guess the idea of confronting his parents was too embarrassing because she never said anything to them, she just made sure he didn't babysit me again.
I will never forget what he did to me and I will never stop worrying that he did it to someone else.
I won't dwell on the fact that if this had been some story involving a Muslim or a homosexual the Duggars would have been vocally condemning it while self righteously humble bragging about their chasteness in some way.
I will say that TLC has done the right thing by cancelling the show and refusing to broadcast it any longer.
I don't pray all that often but the next time I do, I'll ask God to grant Michelle and Jim Bob the ability to value their daughters as human beings.